Beyond Doubt (Beyond Love Series #2) Read online

Page 3

  I started laughing again, and I knew she was kidding, considering her family rivaled Gabby’s in wealth. I was like the odd man out in this group. But I loved Lily’s humor.

  “I let Jason in and told him to make himself at home while Gabby chilled on the patio in the tub. When I last left her she was relaxing in the hot tub in a beautiful lavender bikini that would make even the happiest man in the world weep.”

  A basket of tortilla chips arrived, and I plopped a chip in my mouth, crunching loudly to avoid the mix of guilt and evil delight.

  “Are you serious? Are you sure he’s okay to just let—”

  “Yeah. I would bet my life on it. She’s being too wishy-washy and needed this kick in the ass. Besides, her dad installed a camera system along with the security system, which I told Jason all about.”

  “You told him he’s being recorded?”

  “Yup…even though he’s not. We screwed up the channels somehow, but still the law has been laid. That will keep him on his toes.”

  “I’m certainly glad you’re our friend and not our enemy.” Lily crinkled her nose and grabbed a chip. “Now spill the beans on Gabby’s brother.”

  I sat back in the booth and tried to shake the images that flooded my mind the moment Aaron was brought up. From the second I’d met Aaron he’d invaded every private moment and thought I’d had. My dreams, fantasies, musings… there he was. And no matter how hard I tried to focus on anyone else, it was like he’d appear, wriggling his finger and grinning like he knew he could get whatever he wanted. The big reveal from Gabby’s past didn’t help either, especially since it didn’t seem quite so big to an outsider like me.

  “Not to discount Gabby’s feelings, and God, I can’t imagine…” I shifted uncomfortably and noticed a group of guys come into the pub. Lily followed my gaze.

  “Now we’re talking. But continue your thought first, men later.”

  “Well, it’s just what she went through sounds riddled with loneliness, and I can’t even begin to imagine the rejection she felt because of her brother, Aaron. It explains a lot about how she is now, but I also can’t help but wonder what else there is to the story. His side, you know? And what he did to her was bad—horrible—, but I do wonder what made him abandon his baby sister. I know there’s more there that might paint a different picture.”

  “And you’re feeling guilty because if he looked like a toad you might not be so willing to hear his side,” Lily said.

  “Sometimes your bluntness is really over the top…”

  I tossed a chip at Lily and took another sip of the ale as I wondered what bothered me the most. The fact that I was contemplating going behind my best friend’s back to talk to her brother, or that I hoped whatever we found out about his side of the story would somehow make up for his past mistakes.

  “Well?” She sat back in the booth and her eyes flashed to the group of men.

  “I’d like to think I’m a better person than that.”

  “Wouldn’t we all?” Lily grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth before throwing another glance to the group of guys who came in and stood next to the bar. “So how about you just answer my original question and tell me about her brother.”

  The pub’s lighting dimmed slightly as the music went up a notch to welcome the dinner hour, and I scooted forward on the bench.

  “He happens to be the most attractive man in the world as long as he keeps his mouth shut.”

  “I feel like that’s been a statement said about me at times.” Lily frowned. “I like him already.”

  “Seriously, as soon as you see him you’ll completely understand my quandary. All he has to do is walk into a room and people just feel his presence.”

  “You’re sure about that?”

  “I am! I saw it in the lobby and at Starbucks. The way he carries himself…he’s so sure of himself. And God, his body…”

  “Go on.”

  “He obviously works out. He’s got dark hair and there’s this thing between us. Or at least I think it’s between us. I hope it’s not one-sided. You know what? I’m just gonna leave it at that because the more I talk about him, the worse I feel. I’m done. He’s just a distant relative of Gabby’s that obviously has problems, and I’m never going to think about him again. See? I feel better already.”

  “Okay. So other than the fact that you were arguing with yourself for a good part of a minute there, it sounds like you’ve got a solid understanding of why you should avoid him. Now, I’m going to play devil’s advocate.”

  “Of course you are,” I grumbled, watching our server make her way to our table.

  “Sorry for the delay. A big group kind of swarmed me over there,” our server said, pointing at the group of guys.

  “Yeah. They look to be a little out of control,” I teased, noticing just how loud and obnoxious they were getting.

  “Would you like to order any starters?” she asked, glancing over her shoulder back at the guys.

  “I think we’ll just order our mains. I’ll take the Beecher’s grilled ham and cheese with a side salad,” I said, handing my menu over to her.

  “Did you want the salad in place of the fries or in addition,” she asked. As my eyes landed on the group of men by the bar, my gaze quickly fell to one in particular. Could it be? No. That was ridiculous. There were a lot of well-built men in Seattle, kind of.

  “Umm. In addition. Thanks,” I muttered, feeling my heart rate rise as I continued to watch the guy. I only saw the back of him, but the way he was telling stories it looked like the other guys were just his puppets or… God. There was something about him. No way. Now I was getting obsessive. It was not Aaron.

  “And I’ll take the turkey burger with fries, but I’d like the sweet potato ones. And let’s get two duck farts,” Lily said.

  I snapped my neck back to focus on Lily as our server left and started laughing. “Are you serious?”

  “Hell yeah, I’m serious. And what was with that whole zoning out thing while ordering? Did you spot a target?” she asked.

  Leave it to Lily.

  “No. Just thought I saw someone I knew.”

  “Okay, so back to the important stuff. Let’s think about this Aaron person. As of now, the only negative is that he’s Gabby’s brother.”

  “No. That’s not the only negative. He left her, abandoned her without a word for over a decade. I mean come on. You know what she’s been through.”

  “Let’s try this again…He was eighteen and he left and never called or communicated with home. I don’t think that’s a crime, and it certainly, at least in my book, doesn’t make him a bad person. And if he didn’t know about her health, I mean he can’t be blamed after the fact for that. None of that started until she was in high school, right?”

  I nodded.

  “So he was obviously long gone by then. Maybe there was some serious behind-the-scenes stuff that made it impossible for him to be in her life.”

  “Okay. My turn. So let’s say you’re right. Does that mean he’s going to run anytime something gets tough? That’s not anything I’d want long term anyway, so why waste my time? You know, I even dragged poor Gabby out to a club just to get her brother out of my head! How pathetic is that?”

  I watched Lily as she took a sip of her beer and placed it back down. She didn’t say anything for a couple of seconds but just sat quietly. This wasn’t Lily.

  “You know what just dawned on me?” she asked.


  “Here I am trying to persuade you to do something you obviously don’t want to do. And who am I to do that? I have the worst track record when it comes to men.” Lily’s lips pulled into a smile.

  “None of us have really excelled in that area,” I laughed. “Otherwise I wouldn’t be daydreaming about a completely unattainable man.”

  Our food was delivered, and I heard the voices raise another click as the drinks continued to circulate among the crowd.

  “This will be the last thing I say on t
he matter.” Lily raised her hand in oath. “But I have never seen you light up the way you did when you mentioned his name. You get this look in your eyes, almost a dreamy stare…”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I thought about Lily’s words. Going forward I’d need to try my hardest to look detached and uninterested whenever Gabby brought up her brother.

  “The truth of it is, I’m all dopey over a guy I can’t have, and all he probably wants is a way to get to his sister.” I shrugged. “So I swear I’m officially over it.”

  “Uh-huh.” She watched the crowd near the bar grow, and my eyes went back to the stranger at the bar right when he turned around. The butterflies in my stomach were quickly squashed when I realized it wasn’t Aaron. I let out a sigh loud enough for Lily to catch as she munched on her fries.

  “Sounds like leaving him in the dust is working out for you. Enough of that, though. Now let’s get on to me. I think I might have found someone.”

  “And is he available? Like actually available?”

  She pulled her brows together and scowled at me. “He works at the PR firm and is definitely available. He’s actually asked me out twice, but I declined both times.”

  This did not sound like the Lily I knew. She usually jumped at the chance to go out.

  “Really? I didn’t know that no was even in your repertoire,” I teased.

  “Hey now. I may have made my share of bad choices, but I’m trying not to do that any longer. I’m taking my time. Plus both nights that he asked, I had events I needed to attend. One for a lip gloss launch and another for a brewery.”

  “A day in the life…”

  We continued eating and chatting, catching up on everything since she moved to Portland. The pub was one step past lively, and it was getting hard to hear Lily so we both decided to call it a night here and find a place where we could chat. When the server brought our check, I quickly paid and we began wandering through the crowd.

  “Wanna hit the bar down the street? The dancing’s only in the front, and there are usually places in the back to sit.”

  “Totally,” I said, weaving my way through the final horde of people before landing at the exit.

  Lily heaved the large wooden door open, right when I heard my name called from behind. And this time there was no mistaking who it was.

  “Lily,” I hissed, but she couldn’t hear me. Instead, she pranced out to the street leaving me stranded in the doorway. “Lily,” I tried again.

  She turned around, only to reveal a huge grin as she looked behind me, obviously spying the source of the voice.

  Drats! It really was him.

  “Excuse me, miss. Do you mind closing the door? You’re letting the AC out,” the bartender called over the crowd.


  I gave him a quick nod and ran through the door. My fingertips released the wood, letting the hinges close it silently.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  But it was too late. The door pushed open, and Lily’s huge grin turned to one of complete adoration as the male calling my name came into her view.

  “Hey, Brandy,” Aaron said, his voice calm.

  My body completely betrayed me as I turned to face him, but not before I realized he had someone with him. The excitement in my belly was quickly replaced with disappointment and jealousy. The tall blonde next to him was definitely the exact opposite of what I had to offer. Every hair was in place, and her tan couldn’t get any more golden if she rubbed it in hourly. My skin was olive, not orange. Her features were harsh. No. That was mean. They were dramatic and certainly hinted of not wanting to get on her bad side.

  He tilted his head slightly, and his eyes grew curious as he waited for my reaction. He slid his right hand into his jean pocket and just waited. Was this a test? Did he want to see what I thought about him being with someone? Or did he only want to size up how to approach me about his sister?

  “What’s up, Aaron?”

  Aaron hooked his thumbs through his belt loops and watched me closely while my agitation level grew. I was sure a hint of a smile was threatening to take over his lips as he toyed with me.

  Lily stood next to me, and I could tell she was giving the once-over to the blond. I wasn’t sure if that made the situation better or worse.

  “Didn’t I make myself clear the other day?” I pressed. My brows pulled together as my arms folded in front of me.

  “The other day?” blondie asked, looking up at Aaron.

  Ignoring her, he took a step forward. “I was hoping you’d reconsidered.”

  “Nope. Still feel the same way. Listen, my friend and I haven’t seen each other in a while so we’re gonna take off.”

  Aaron followed my gaze to the slobbering and very possessive female by his side as I took a step back. The blonde nodded in victory and grabbed his hand, staking her claim. He paid as much attention to her as he would a scarf wrapped around his neck and shook her hand from his. Normally, I would have been delighted, but in this instance, I actually felt sorry for her. Rather than the blonde say something to him, she turned around and walked back into the pub.

  He took a step closer, and his voice dropped, sending electricity through me. “Would you at least give me your contact information?”

  Lily patted my shoulder and walked down the sidewalk, which was exactly what I didn’t want her to do. Privacy wasn’t something I needed to have around this guy.

  “You know where I work, which is the same place your sister works. That should be enough. Besides, wouldn’t your parents just give you the information for your sister?”

  He cocked his head and grinned. His brown eyes piercing as he caught my wrist in his hand, allowing me to feel his restrained strength as my feeble attempt to flee failed. A flurry of excitement ran through me, but I shook my head in protest.

  “I wasn’t asking for her information. I was asking for yours.”

  He released my wrist, his eyes raking over my body as I crossed my arms.

  “And get in between you and the blonde? I don’t think so.”

  Aaron smiled and smirked. “I get it.”

  “Get what?”

  This wasn’t what I was in the mood for. This guy had some nerve. Gabby and he couldn’t be more different. Watching how he treated his date was bad enough, but asking for my information while she scurried off? No thanks.

  “You’re worried.”

  “Worried? Please. I just have more respect for myself than apparently the poor souls you choose to lead on.”

  I watched as a couple went into the pub, and Aaron’s fingers touched my chin softly bringing my attention back to him. Unfortunately, his touch produced a flutter in my stomach, and my cheeks warmed instantly.

  “I only met her tonight,” he mumbled.

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better? Because it doesn’t. Besides it’s of no concern to me. I could honestly care less.”

  His eyes narrowed on mine, and I watched as he twisted his lips, contemplating what to say next.

  “Listen, I wish nothing but the best between you and Gabby, but that’s all I’ve got for you.” As I stood staring at him, I realized the duck fart and half a pitcher had completely caught up with me. I wanted to find a tree to lean up against or maybe…

  “So you are worried about that,” his voice low. There was a tenderness behind it that caught me off guard.

  “Yeah. And you should be too, especially if you’re trying to repair anything with her.” I snapped out of the fog.

  There was silence between us. The warm summer air began to feel unbearable, or maybe it was his gaze that produced the heat through my body. I had nothing else to say to this guy, and I just hoped he wouldn’t make it any more difficult than it already was to shove him out of my mind.

  And then he did.

  “That night at Chateau Marx I spotted you across the room and my world stopped. I’m not that kind of man, but you took my breath away, and I damned near spilled my wine all over when you
glanced in my direction.” He took a deep breath in and continued. “And then you stepped to the side as you grabbed something off a tray and my sister came into view…I was in shock. I knew she was going to be there that night, but I still wasn’t ready for it. And seeing that you two were together... That just seems to be my luck.” He stopped himself.

  Realizing my balance was completely off-kilter, I shifted my weight slowly from one foot to the other as I debated what to say. The woozy me was willing to soften the seriousness of the situation, but thankfully a wave of clarity appeared.

  “Well, I guess it’s just an unfortunate set of circumstances for us all,” I whispered, my pulse roaring in my ears. “Besides, something tells me you were able to keep yourself amused that night without my help.”

  His eyes became incredibly intense, and I felt my body succumbing to his potent gaze. Even as my body betrayed me, I prayed that my mind would not. If there was one thing I possessed ample amounts of, it was self-discipline. But that was generally not when I’d had a few drinks.

  I saw Lily leaning against the brick building, texting and chuckling to herself, and I wondered if there was more to her work-romance than she let on. Nothing would surprise me with her. I brought my attention back to Aaron, which was a mistake.

  “I guess it is a very unfortunate set of circumstances,” he agreed. “But you’re not someone I’m willing to give up on. I think you’ll come around.”

  I frowned as his words settled over me. The one thing I was sure of was that the longer I stood in front of him, the stronger the attraction became. He scratched his chin as his eyes danced with playfulness once again, and I imagined his fingers gliding along my flesh.

  Damn my imagination!

  Attempting to gather my thoughts and my balance, I took a step away from him.

  “Would you at least take my number on the off chance my sister wants to get ahold of me?”

  “I thought you said this wasn’t about your sister.”

  “Man. You’re good,” he said, bemused.

  I didn’t have any clue about how to respond. I didn’t want to betray Gabby and that wasn’t my intention, but being in his presence sent something thrumming through me that dislodged all common sense. It was as if my subconscious was begging for him to take control, and he somehow picked up on it and used it to his advantage.