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Beyond Doubt (Beyond Love Series #2) Page 22

His mouth collided with mine, and my world began spinning with every deepened kiss, every touch of his lips to mine. He hungrily ran his tongue along mine, leaving my mind and body completely at his mercy. I slowly nodded, leaning against the railing, feeling the burn of desire, excitement, and fear all bubble into one strong emotion of uncertainty.

  My body became keenly aware of his powerful presence as his eyes penetrated deep into mine, searching for my forgiveness.

  He knew what he wanted.

  And it was me.

  “It feels so right, doing the wrong thing,” I whispered.

  “That’s because it’s not the wrong thing,” he murmured. “Just the complicated thing.”

  “You absolutely sure?” I asked.

  “Beyond doubt, baby.” His hands lowered to my hips, pulling me in closer to him as his eyes fell to my mouth, and I brought my hands to his chest imagining my life with him back in it even if only for tonight.

  “Everything changes when I’m with you. I see the possibilities of a long, happy life. A future…” he whispered.

  “Do you promise?”

  “I gave up my position in China. I can’t be away from you. I can’t keep running. I made a promise to you that day that I’d never leave, and I never should have. I’m so sorry. But I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Forever and after.”

  A quiver ran through me as his eyes conveyed the same message. My hands wandered across his taut chest, and my heart began beating quicker as I thought about the possibilities of us, a future.

  “Tell me you feel that way too,” he said, cupping my chin softly.

  “I do. I have. That’s why—”

  His mouth crashed onto mine as a low moan escaped my lips. I was his the moment I laid eyes on him. All of the worries drifted away as his kisses deepened, creating the safety I had craved. His mouth slowly parted from mine, and my muscles began to tense as he took a step back and smiled.

  “I’ve got a little surprise planned for you,” he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the door.

  “I was quite happy right where we were,” I teased, my body still on another planet.

  “I think you’ll like this even more.”

  “Are you planning on staying the night?” I asked.

  We stepped inside and Lily was nowhere to be found. She was probably hiding out in Gabby’s bedroom. Aaron proceeded to haul me through the family room, past the kitchen, right into my bedroom.

  I heard the front door click and chuckled. Lily had escaped. I had the best friends in the world.

  “So what’s your plan?” I whispered.

  “You’ll see soon enough.”

  “Tell me something. Do I need to be worried about any translators whisking you away?”

  His eyes drilled into me as his lip curled up slightly. “I deserve that.”

  “Damn right you do,” I said, grabbing his crimson tie as I pulled him toward me.

  “Nothing happened with her. I promise. I fired her that night.” His gaze hardened on mine.

  “I believe you.”

  And I did.

  “I even got all dressed up for you,” I teased, doing a half-twirl as I pointed down to my bootless leg. “Progress!” There was a slight squeal to my voice as the excitement pulsed through me. It had been a long journey, and I still had some light therapy to continue until the limp went away, but progress was progress. I had no idea how much I loathed that boot contraption.

  “So is this what you wore to work?” he growled.

  “I thought I was back on the market,” I teased. “Besides, I figured the shorter the dress, the less they’d notice the limp.”

  “Baby, you always look amazing. But this…this is incredible.” His fiery eyes canvased my body quickly and a rush of heat ran up me. I had on a red dress that showed all the right features, but the length more than made up for the looseness.

  “You like?”

  “I love,” he growled, scooping me into his arms.

  It felt so good to tease him this way. Watching his eyes hold the intense desire as I wriggled in his arms. He let out a small groan as he held me close to him. I felt his firmness against my belly and all I wanted to do was to take it in me. Make tonight last forever.

  He pressed his forehead against mine as his fingers ran up my leg, skirting the edge of my dress. The hungry look in his eyes made my body warm with desire. His gaze stayed on me as he lowered me onto the bed, hovering over me. “I’ll never hurt you again.”

  I let out a wobbly breath as my mind filled with all the hopes, desires, and dreams that I had forced myself to throw away.

  “I promise I will never leave your side again. No matter how scared I get.”

  “Scared?” I asked, touching his chin.

  “Scared…You were right. I didn’t want to lose you the way my father lost my mother and—”

  “You’ll never lose me like that. Ever.”

  “When I was on the plane I realized I would be willing to feel that type of pain tenfold rather than be without you. To have you think I didn’t love you…”

  I kissed him softly as the tears began to fall.

  “I love you, Brandy, more than I ever knew I could love anyone. I’ll never be able to make you forget the hurt I caused you, but I beg for your forgiveness. I should have told you sooner. I should have worked harder on finding a replacement. All of it. You were right. But I think I was using it as an escape because I knew I was falling so deeply in love with you that—” he stopped himself.

  “That what?” I whispered.

  “That I could never live in this world without you. You’re my soul mate.”

  Our faces were only inches apart as his words settled over me. He slowly began to remove my dress. His eyes sparkled as his gaze fell down my body. I looked down and began fidgeting as if it were the first time he had taken me in.

  “Are you sure this time—”

  “I’ve got everything under control. Believe it or not.”

  “Do you have to go back?” I murmured.

  “No. I gave up my position.”

  “You what?”

  “I quit.”

  “But why?”

  “My dad was being a hard-ass and life’s too short. I’ve got some other ideas that I want to develop.”

  “What about—”

  “If you keep asking questions, I just might blindfold you and make you sit still until I’m done with you,” he said, skating kisses across my belly.

  “Is that necessarily a bad thing?” I asked innocently enough.

  He smiled and turned my chin slightly. His lips brushed mine softly, sending a quiver of longing through me as he teased me with his mouth with the power he held over me. That same power that kept me coming back for more, no matter what life threw at me, at us.

  “I’d be careful what you wish for,” he said, his voice low.

  “Is that so?” I asked, sliding down the bed. I wrapped my arm around his neck, but he pinned me to the bed. His lips parted slightly as his mouth traveled up my arm, to my shoulder.

  “You’re absolutely beautiful,” he whispered, tracing his right hand along my thigh.

  I shifted slightly, attempting to kiss him, but he restrained me gently by moving forward.

  “You control so much in your life. Everything is so perfectly orchestrated,” he murmured.

  I let out a small moan of pleasure as his fingers continued gliding along my thigh.

  “And I think it’s time you allowed me to show you another way,” he said. “No more games. Ever.”

  I slowly nodded as he brought his mouth back up to mine, his tongue diving deeper in search of quenching the need we both craved to find our forever.

  I was arranging the bowls in the kitchen, trying to keep track of everything. I wanted Aaron to remember this Thanksgiving for the rest of our lives together. Gabby and Jason were on their way over and so were my parents and brothers. Aaron’s parents were in Utah visiting Carla’s elderly parents
, which was kind of a relief considering the shows she put on for simple dinners. I already had enough stress wanting to make today perfect for Aaron and didn’t want to think about trying to impress the almost in-laws. I wasn’t quite ready for the Carla whirlwind.

  I glanced at the clock and knew I was cutting it close. I had to get the turkey in the oven or we’d be eating at midnight. The turkey was brined and ready to go. I needed a little help shoving it into the oven. Ever since my accident, I still hadn’t been allowed to carry things that were too heavy and bending was sometimes a problem, especially if I was holding something.

  “Aaron,” I hollered. “I need help getting Henry in the oven.”

  “Who the hell’s Henry?” he asked, coming into the kitchen, wearing his red plaid pajama bottoms. I couldn’t have made this moment more picture perfect if I tried. His hair was still stuck up in several different directions, and the dimple in his cheek was absolutely adorable.

  “Henry is the wonderful bird who is allowing us to feast on him for our glorious Thanksgiving dinner.” I adjusted my flannel nightshirt under my apron and grinned.

  “Jesus! Naming the poultry doesn’t really make it all that enticing,” he laughed. “Besides, how do you know it’s not Henrietta?”

  I turned around and scowled at him. “Just stick it in the oven, big shot.”

  He grabbed the large roasting pan and shoved the bird in the already warm oven as I began slicing the sweet potatoes for my mom’s famous sweet potato casserole. The corn pudding was already assembled in the fridge. All I had to do was pop it in the oven about an hour before the turkey was ready. I made the garlic mashers yesterday and only had to warm them up. So really, I just needed to focus on starting the appetizers.

  The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade was on in the background as I grabbed a cutting board and took in this moment of bliss.

  “Your hair is so cute that way,” I said, glancing at Aaron.

  “So is yours.” His smile was gorgeous as he spoke but not as beautiful as the words he said.

  I ran my fingers through my hair, which was still in its grow-out stage, and felt the bursts of hair that were sticking straight up. There were only a few places that were shaved and during the day I was able to strategically place my hair so that no one would even see the gaps. However, that definitely wasn’t the case first thing in the morning.

  “Thank you.”

  He grabbed the remote and switched the stereo on, blocking out the parade.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” I teased. “We’re going to miss something.”

  “Like a turkey float falling over? The occasion calls for some old school celebrations,” he laughed. The next thing I knew Beastie Boys was blaring through the speakers.

  “Finger Licking Good?” I started laughing.

  “Ah-uh,” he said, mimicking the song.

  “Oh. My. God. What is the return policy on you?” I teased.

  Aaron wrapped his arms around my waist just as I tugged on his pajama bottoms. “There. That’s better,” I laughed, admiring how low I teased the pajamas without him catching on. Or so I thought.

  “Is that all you want from me?”

  “Not all, but—”

  He softly kissed me before letting go to turn off the Beastie Boys. “I’m gonna go shower.”

  “That’s a shame.”

  He smiled and shook his head as he left the kitchen.

  Curse these appetizers!

  I grabbed the package of tortillas and began spreading the cream cheese mixture over the first tortilla to make the roast beef rollups.

  “Forget this,” I said tossing the half-done roll-up on the cutting board.

  I heard the shower water come on upstairs and began making my way up the steps. Not every stair was my friend, but I knew the more I did it the better I’d be. Besides the payoff was worth it. As I made it to our bedroom, I saw the steam rolling out of the bathroom and tossed my nightshirt on the bed.

  “Room for one more?” I asked, watching him stand under the shower.

  “Always,” he said, opening the glass door of the shower.

  Stepping inside the shower, I watched his gaze follow along my body as I grabbed the soap and slowly began rubbing it along his chest.

  “That feels nice,” he murmured.

  My hands continued moving lower and lower until I felt him in my palms. He let out a quiet moan as I gripped him more firmly. Looking into his eyes, he removed the soap from my hands and began to glide the bar along my breasts and stomach, lowering with each circular motion. His free arm cradled me next to him as he gently pressed me against the tile wall.

  My heart was beating so quickly as he continued the quick circular motions, and his lips followed along my collarbone. Slowing as he got to my breasts, my body trembled as his mouth traced over each curve.

  I ran my hands along his back as he lifted me up the wall. The water pounded on us both as our bodies joined together and a cry of happiness escaped from my lips. This was definitely a holiday to remember.

  Our house was filled with family and friends and the amazing aromas of Thanksgiving drifted through the air. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation was on the television, and I was just happy to be in the moment.

  I looked around the dining room table and felt so grateful to be surrounded by family and friends.

  “I loved Onyx. Remember Slammed?” I asked Gabby.

  She nodded her head and popped another cracker in her mouth.

  Jason started cracking up and looked over at Aaron who was shaking his head.

  “How old were you? Like two?” Aaron asked, his eyes narrowing. “How could you remember it?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe three. Blame my brothers.”

  Mason and Ayden started laughing. “Yeah. It is our fault.”

  Aaron grabbed a dinner roll and passed the basket to Gabby. “How so?”

  “We performed it in third grade for the talent show at our school.”

  Gabby burst into laughter. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

  “Yep. It’s true. So my poor developing mind had it memorized before I even hit kindergarten. I think I even got written up for singing it.”

  My mom and dad started laughing, and I knew they remembered it too.

  “That’s not the only thing you got written up for,” my dad chimed in.

  “Really?” Aaron asked, grinning.

  “I talked a lot back then.”

  “Back then?” Gabby teased.

  “You know…I think we even have video of it. I think the moment one of you find that special someone, it’s time to bring out the footage. You should have seen how they dressed,” I said, not letting my brothers off the hook.

  Mason threw a piece of dinner roll at me and it landed in my gravy. I plucked it out of the gravy and began aiming.

  “Don’t you dare,” my mom said. “It’s Thanksgiving for crying out loud.”

  I looked around the dining room table and felt overcome with emotion as I saw everyone enjoying this moment. It was hard to believe that I almost didn’t make it to be here. I took a bite of the roll that was covered in gravy and glanced down at my plate.

  “You okay, baby?” Aaron whispered as the rest of the family continued talking about grade school memories.

  “Yeah. Just tears of joy,” I said, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. “I love you. I’m very grateful to be here.”

  Aaron’s breath caught, and I watched him swallow hard. “You make the world a better place. I couldn’t imagine living on this earth without you here by my side.”

  “I’m gonna hold you to that,” I whispered.

  “Okay, you love birds. Enough already,” Ayden said, kicking me under the table.

  And that was my perfect Thanksgiving with Aaron.

  “Do you think we should do it? Like really hunt him down?” I asked, feeling a tinge of excitement at the thought.

  “It only seems fair, doesn’t it?” Gabby asked,

  “All right. What are you two scheming in there?” Jason asked, bringing a cup of warm apple cider for Gabby.

  It was a week after Thanksgiving, and I went on a Christmas shopping spree to get Aaron’s house ready for the holidays. I think I managed to cover every surface with something holiday trinket.

  “Mmm, delicious,” she hummed.

  “Hey, where’s mine?” I teased Aaron.

  “Coming right up.” He opened the fridge and grabbed the whipped cream container and began squeezing the nozzle, topping the mug off. Grabbing the chocolate sprinkles, he dusted them on top and looked over wearing a large grin.

  “This is what I’m talking about,” I said, taking the mug from him as he sat next to me. Slurping some of the white stuff off the top, I sat back and felt fully content and completely lost in the moment.

  The Christmas tree was over eight feet tall and was decorated with everything I could throw at it. Silver tinsel streamed from the branches as the red and white lights blinked away. And there were so many ornaments on the limbs that there was a slight droop to most. The tree only had to last three weeks and then it could fall over if it wanted, but right now I wanted everything perfect. If Aaron had missed out on a decade of Christmases with loved ones, then I was certainly going to put an end to that this year. Jason had told me that last year he and Aaron bought a six-inch felt tree at the drug store and hung it on the fridge. So not happening in my world.

  “So do you think we could pull it off?” Gabby questioned.

  “I think so. We’ve got his name, age, approximate vicinity. It can’t be that hard,” I said, thinking aloud.

  The idea of tracking down Lily’s high school sweetheart was beyond exciting.

  “This can’t be good,” Jason said, shaking his head.

  “What do you mean?” Gabby said, pretending to pout. “We are only up to good—only good. Speaking of which, I can’t believe Carla is willing to relinquish the holiday to Brandy. This is completely unheard of. Do you think you can handle it? I mean hosting all of my family and your family is crazy.” She glanced at me smiling, knowing full well I was up for the challenge.

  “I’ve totally got it. All the menus are planned out, and you promised you’d bring over the desserts so I’m fine. Aaron needs to have the house smelling of gingerbread, ham, turkey…”